Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Functional groups

Design Flexibility Unit


To advance the practice of flexible, practical and performance-based design through development of guidance and criteria, delivery of training, and project-level advice and review.

Products the unit provides

  • Advice and guidance on applying Performance-Based Practical Design (PBPD) on road and street projects
  • Review of conceptual, preliminary and final design products, either informally as requested or as part of established review processes (e.g., Geometric Design Support Unit activities)
  • Development and delivery of training on PBPD and multimodal/complete streets design
  • Development—as the lead developer or as part of a larger effort—of design guidance and criteria for Facility Design Guide sections and technical memoranda
  • Assistance with training, communication, and public engagement efforts by MnDOT entities, both general and project related

What to expect from the unit

  • Expertise on the topics of Performance-Based Practical Design (PBPD) and complete streets and knowhow in applying those concepts to project situations
  • Knowledge of the research record and base of information relating to practical, performance-based and multimodal road and street design
  • Prompt and thorough response to questions and requests for project assistance

What you need to provide to the unit

  • Distribution copies of approved preliminary geometric layouts, all levels
  • Review comments to draft Facility Design Guide sections and technical memoranda developed by the unit, as requested through standard statewide channels (e.g., Design Advisory Committee) or informal networks

What the unit expects from you

  • The items listed above
  • Meaningful project implementation of MnDOT’s Performance-Based Practical Design and Complete Streets administrative policies
  • Meaningful project implementation of Context Sensitive Design and Solutions (CSD&S)