Value Engineering (VE) Unit
Value Engineering is a systematic process used to analyze and improve projects. The process brings together multiple subject matter experts who are not familiar with the project and who review with fresh eyes. The ultimate goal of the process is to improve projects and reduce risks. When completed, overall project costs may be reduced, although sometimes increased if the expenditures significantly improve the project.
Products the unit provides
- Support to project managers in planning when to schedule VE studies
- VE final reports
- Yearly reports to FHWA
- VE database (currently under construction)
What to expect from the unit
- Planning and organizing MnDOT VE studies, or VE studies that involve MnDOT interests
- Securing the VE facilitator and organizing VE study and logistics
- Communicate with the VE facilitator during and after the VE study
- Post VE final reports to EDOCs and the VE website
What you need to provide to the unit
- Keep District Liaisons and State Value Engineer appraised about upcoming possible VE study projects
- Return the completed PM request for VE study to State Value Engineer when requested
- Engagement in the process prior to, during, and after the VE study
What the unit expects from you
- Identify and request MnDOT SMEs to participate in VE studies
- Collect documents and materials needed for the VE team
- Participate in a pre-study conference call with the VE facilitator and State Value Engineer
- Provide introductory project information to the VE team at the start of the project
- Provide district recommendation decisions to the VE Unit for inclusion into the final report, FHWA reporting, and VE database