Environmental process | Environmental review | Historical, Archaeological and Cultural
Cultural Resources (Archaeology and Historic Resources) legal authority
Federal laws and regulations
- National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended Section 106: 54 USC §306108 (formerly 16 USC §106 and referenced as “Section 106”)
- 36 CFR §800 (106) of the National Historic Preservation Act
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), as amended: 42 USC Chapter 55 §4321 et seq.; see also 23 CFR §771 (FHWA regulations) and 40 CFR 1500-1508 (CEQ regulations)
- DOT Act of 1966, as amended (Section 4(f)), preservation of all publicly owned public parks, waterfowl, and wildlife refuges, and all historic areas: 49 USC §303, 23 USC §138, 23 CFR §771.135
State laws
- Minnesota Field Archaeology Act and Minnesota Historic Sites Acts: Minnesota Statutes, section 138.31 through 138.42 and 138.661 through 138.6691
- Minnesota Private Cemeteries Act: Minnesota Statutes, section §307.08
- Governor’s Executive Order 13-10
- Minnesota Rules, part 4410.4300, subpart 31