Environmental process | Environmental review | Visual Quality
Visual Quality legal authority
- NEPA of 1969: 42 USC §4321
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) regulations: 23 CFR §§771 through 772
- Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations: 40 CFR §§1500 through 1508
- Highway Beautification Act of 1965:
- 23 USC §131
- 23 USC §136
- 23 USC §319 (Public Law 89-285)
- Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act:
- 23 USC §138
- 49 USC 303 (Public Laws 100-17, 07-449, and 86-670)
- National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Section 106
- 106 USC §470
- Wild and Scenic Rivers Act of 1968, section 7 (a)
- 16 USC §1271
- Antiquities Act of 1906, national monuments: 16 USC §§431 through 433
- National Trails System Act of 1968: 16 USC §1241 et seq.
- National Scenic Byways Program Established by the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA)
- Highway Beautification: 23 CFR §750
- Junkyard Control and Acquisition: 23 CFR §751
- Landscape and Roadside Development: 23 CFR §752
- Visual Impacts from FHWA Technical Advisory T6640.8A