Environmental process | Environmental review | Wetlands
Wetlands legal authority
State Laws
- No Net Loss Policy in Regards to Wetlands: Governor’s Executive Order 19-17 (continuation of original Executive Order 91-03)
- Wetland Conservation Act (WCA)
- State Water Law (MNDNR and MPCA)
Minnesota Statutes, section 103D.345, subdivision 5 and Minnesota Rules, part 8420.0200 give watershed districts jurisdiction over wetlands in local matters.
Federal Laws
- Federal Clean Water Act (CWA): 33 USC §§404b (1) and 401
- Protection of Wetlands: Executive Order 11990 May 24, 1977, 42 FR §2696
- Wetland Preservation: Preservation of the Nation’s Wetlands DOT Order 5660.1A
- Rivers and Harbors Act: Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 Section 10