Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Traffic Engineering


traffic engineering workers

Business signs

Is my business or facility eligible to receive guide signing?

In order for a facility or business to receive supplemental guide signing, the sign location must meet engineering standards and the facility or business must meet MnDOT policy. View/print summary of the various supplemental guide signing programs (PDF).

Who do I contact to see if my business qualifies for a sign?

To request signing for a facility on the state highway system, contact the appropriate district traffic engineer for your area. 

In your request, please state the name and type of your business or facility, as well as its location.

What happens after I submit my request for signing (including costs)?

District staff will work with you to determine whether your facility qualifies for signs on the trunk highway. This decision takes into account the type of facility and whether it meets the requirements of MnDOT’s various signing programs. Additionally, a field check is performed to determine whether there is available space for the sign(s) along the trunk highway as well as at exit ramps or near the closest intersection. 

If signing is approved for your facility, the MnDOT District Traffic Office will contact you with an application form as well as the estimated cost of the sign(s). This cost includes the fabrication of the sign panel, structural materials, equipment, and installation labor costs. This is a one-time fee that lasts for the life of the sign. 

After the completed application and payment are received by MnDOT, it may take 1- 3 months to have signs installed depending on weather. 

What if my request for signing is not approved?

MnDOT retains the authority to deny requests for signing where acceptable standards cannot be met, including locations where other supplemental guide signs are already in place. Requests denied based on Minnesota statutes or engineering standards (i.e. insufficient space and design standards) may not be appealed. At the discretion of the District Traffic Engineer, signing requests denied based on MnDOT policy may be appealed to the External Sign Variance Committee (ESVC). 

For more information regarding making an appeal to the ESVC, contact Joani Nilan at 651-234-7384. 

How do I get my business logo placed on the blue freeway signs?

This is the Logo Sign Program, which operates separately from other state signing programs. Logo signs provide road users with business identification and directional information for services and for eligible attractions. The Federal Highway Administration limits the eligible service categories to include gas, food, lodging, 24-hour pharmacies, camping, and attractions. 

Read more about Minnesota’s Logo Signing Program

To request logo signing, contact Dave DeSutter, General Manager of Minnesota Logos, Inc. or go to http://www.minnesota.interstatelogos.com/state/