Print or download the listed course materials, and bring them to class.
Bridge Construction Inspector Certification (BCIC)
Prerequisites for certification
- You will not be allowed to attend unless all prerequisites are met.
- You must be certified in Aggregate Production, Tester Concrete Field Tester, Concrete Field Inspector, and Grading and Base Tester before attending the BCI course.
- You must maintain your Concrete Field Tester, Concrete Field Inspector, and Grading and Base Tester certifications to keep this certification active.
- You must confirm your required eLearning by submitting your certificates of completion to Lake Superior College by 12:00 p.m. (noon) 14 days prior to the start of class. If all certificates of completion are not submitted, your registration will be cancelled automatically without notification to allow for registration of waitlisted individuals who have prerequisites completed.
- IMPORTANT: The required eLearning courses take approximately 30 hours to complete.
- Required MnDOT eLearning courses
- Required AASHTO/TTS Construction Inspection
MnDOT eLearning courses
- Introduction to Pile Driving; Bridge Foundations (Course code: BRDG00061)
- Preparing to Drive Piles (Course code: BRDG00062)
- Driving Test and Foundation Piles (Course code: BRDG00063)
- Plan Reading
AASHTO/TC3 Construction Inspection of Structures Series E-Learning courses
- Subsurface (TC3CN053-17-T1)
- Substructures (TC3CN054-17-T1)
- Superstructures (TC3CN055-17-T1)
- Rehabilitation and Maintenance of Structures (TC3MN032-17-T1)
- Reinforcing Steel for Structures (TC3MS064-21-T1)
- Additional strongly recommended, but not required AASHTO/TC3 courses:
Expiration and recertification options
- This certification expires after five seasons.
- A recertification must be completed before the end of the fifth training season.
- If your certification has recently expired and you have relevant work experience, you may apply to regain MnDOT certification through a Recently Expired Certification Exam. Otherwise, you must take the initial certification course again to regain certification.
- You may recertify any time after three years. An early recertification is recommended for people who did not do any bridge construction inspection after certification and have a bridge project coming up in the next construction season.
Class logistics
- Learning mode: In person
- If you need to register: Learn about the certification process and then register for the class.
- Logistics: See the Registration Confirmation and Class Reminder emails from Lake Superior College for class dates, time, location, and directions. Time will be provided for on- or off-site lunch. No meals or beverages will be provided.
- Learning differences and accommodations: If you have a disability or learning issue, either permanent or temporary, which might affect your ability to perform in a class, the online exam, or the performance exam, contact Suzanne Johnsrud, 218-428-1002, to discuss possible accommodations.
- Professional development hours (PDHs): 60
- Lake Superior College course credits possible: 7 (you must complete an LSC course credit form)
What to bring to class
Print and bring to class
Bring to Class (on a tablet/laptop) Print if you need hardcopy
- Bridge Construction Inspector Certification Training Manual (PDF)
- 2025 Bridge #27138 Proposal for BCIC (PDF)
Fillable forms to bring on tablet/laptop
- Chapter 5 Inspector Chart for Piling mpf12 (Excel)
- Chapter 5 Pile timing inspector chart mpf12 (Excel)
- Chapter 7 Bridge Reinforcing Worksheet
To be provided in class on large paper (11 x17) (Download also available)
- 2025 Bridge #27138 Full Plan (PDF)
- Chapter 3 Excavation and Embankment Handout (PDF)
- Chapter 9A Bridge #69129 Steel Bridge Plan (PDF)
- Chapter 18 Handout Package Special Structures (PDF)
- Chapter 25 OES Environmental Awareness (PDF)
For electronic use only – not optimized for printing
- BCIC Presentation Slides (PDF)
- Chapter 5 Welder Qualifications
- Chapter Supplemental 9 Bridge Vertical Clearance Form 2019
- 2023 Schedule of Materials Control – for BCIC (PDF)
Reference books/manuals to bring (electronic or hard copy)
Also bring to class
- Calculator
- Paper and pencil/pen
- Laptop/tablet (recommended)
- Face mask (for health and safety, if needed)
- Lunch, snacks, and beverages
About the certification exams
Written exam process
- The written exam is in two parts, one given each week and open to you at noon on the two Friday class days.
- You must complete the exam within one week after it is open for you, meaning the same day the following week.
- For each exam, you will have 180 minutes to complete the 75 questions online.
- You must score 70% or higher on both exams to pass. If you score 60-69% on either, you may request a retest.
- Your final score will be the average of the two scores.
- Find your exam to take them when they are open for you.
Written exam topics (approximate percentage of exam)
Materials allowed during the written exam
This is an open book exam. You may use the training manual and all other course materials during the exam. A calculator is provided within the online exam.
Performance exam
- None