Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Traffic Engineering

Signing courses

Sign Plan Design

Schedule: every other year
Next offered: October 15-16, 2024
MnDOT Training and Conference Center
1900 West County Rd I
Shoreview, MN 55126
Description: This two day course is designed to enable participants to obtain an understanding of the fundamental signing concepts and MnDOT standard practices related to the design of signing on conventional roads, freeways, expressways, and complex intersections. This class builds off the base knowledge in the Signs 101 class and walks participants through the elements of a signing plan.
Audience: State, county, city and consultant staff involved in preparing signing plans.
Registration: Registration is closed.

Traffic Signs 101 Course

Schedule: annually
Next offered: February 19, 2025
This is a one day introductory Traffic Signs 101 Course that is designed to enable participants to acquire a basic understanding of how and why the determination is made to place a traffic sign at a particular site. This course serves as an introduction for entry level traffic technicians and engineers, refresher course for experienced staff or an introduction to additional subjects related to traffic signs which may assist participants in responding to sign requests from the public.
Audience: State, county, city and consultant professionals involved in traffic signing or individuals that receive requests for traffic signs. 
Class announcement (PDF)
Registration: MnDOT | Training
MnDOT employees must register through their training representative.

Traffic Guide Sign Design Course

Schedule: every other year
Next offered: Spring 2025
MnDOT Training and Conference Center
1900 West County Rd I
Shoreview, MN 55126
Description: To enable MnDOT and consultant engineering personnel to acquire basic design skills needed to design traffic guide signs using the SignCAD Software. This two day course is designed for persons who need to acquire guide sign design skills. SignCAD will be used to demonstrate basic sign design elements for as many traffic guide sign examples as time permits. Participants will receive a MnDOT Traffic Guide Sign Manual, but will NOT receive a copy of the SignCAD Software.
Audience: MnDOT and consultant engineering sign design personnel who will be using SignCAD.