MnDOT, local agency stakeholders, and the Federal Highway Administration used this Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) study to develop and identify three transportation layouts to move forward for further analysis.
Planned improvements will:
Add frontage roads and overpasses
Change access
Improve facilities for people walking and bicycling
Hwy 65 study location map.
Click map for larger version.
MnDOT, in partnership with Anoka County and the cities of Ham Lake, Blaine and Spring Lake Park, began a far-reaching study of the Hwy 65 Corridor in August 2018. The study examined a range of cost-effective roadway alternatives to address capacity, access, mobility and safety issues between Bunker Lake Blvd. (Anoka Co. Rd. 116) in Ham Lake and Co. Rd. 10/Mounds View Blvd. in Spring Lake Park.
A focus on planning and environmental analysis will speed the start of any future projects in the study area. This study included elements of the environmental process that will lead seamlessly into future projects which will shorten project development.
Results from previous studies along Hwy 65 were out of date due to the increased business development and increases in population along the corridor. And previously developed solutions were too costly to develop with current funding levels.