Transportation Improvement Program
According to 23 CFR 450.104 a transportation improvement program (TIP) is a prioritized list or program of transportation projects covering a four-year period that is developed and formally adopted by a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as part of the metropolitan transportation planning process. The TIP must be consistent with the metropolitan transportation plan (MTP). Projects must be listed in the TIP to be eligible to receive federal funding.
TIPs are to be updated at least every 4 years and be approved by the MPO and the Governor. The MPO may update the TIP more frequently, but the cycle for updating the TIP must be compatible with the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) development and approval process. The TIP expires when the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) approval of the STIP expires.
Since the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) updates the STIP annually, the STIP expires annually and therefore the 8 MPO TIPs do as well.
The 8 Minnesota MPOs update their TIPs annually in coordination with their associated public transportation operator and MnDOT. The MPOs also coordinate with their local jurisdictions to ensure projects are representative of the priorities in the metropolitan planning area and in alignment with the MTP.
TIP update cycle
Update annually in coordination with MnDOT.
Federal requirements for MPO TIPs
District contacts
Current MPO Transportation Improvement Programs
- Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments
- Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO
- La Crosse Area Planning Committee
- Mankato/North Mankato Area Planning Organization
- Metropolitan Interstate Council (Duluth-Superior)
- Rochester/Olmsted Council of Governments
- St.Cloud Area Planning Organization
- Twin Cities Metropolitan Council