Minnesota Department of Transportation

511 Travel Info

Project development

Engagement process | Public Engagement and Communications

Public Engagement Policy


The Public Engagement Policy focuses on the internal duties and responsibilities related to plans, projects, programs, services, and activities at MnDOT. This policy serves as the foundation for MnDOT’s commitment to public engagement by its employees.

When to use this subject

MnDOT employees must operate in an inclusive and transparent manner throughout the planning, project and modal program development and delivery processes to keep the public informed, listen to and acknowledge concerns and aspirations, and provide feedback on how public input can influence decisions and outcomes. MnDOT must comply with all laws, policies, and executive orders referenced in this policy during its engagement activities. In addition, MnDOT employees must follow all applicable requirements in the Public Engagement Guidance and the NEPA Public Involvement and Public Hearing Procedures documents.

How this subject fits into the overall project development process

For highway projects, the policy is to engage early in the project development process (planning, pre-scoping, scoping) in order to allow sufficient advance time for public input in decision making and for local partners to assess, plan, and budget for the associated impacts and opportunities.

Public engagement objectives will be different for each phase of the process, but engagement is critical throughout and is key to developing an efficient transportation system where projects move forward as smoothly as possible.

Resource: Objectives of Public Engagement by Project Phase

Organizations involved