Registration is open for the Prevailing wage and AASHTOWare workshop. Information provided below.
AASHTOWare/CRL Questions & Overview (Demonstration)
At this demonstration, we will walk through how to use AASHTOWare, from entering payroll to request to sublet information. This class is intended for accountants, payroll professionals entering payrolls as well as anyone that wants to learn the AASHTOWare process.
Prevailing wage & AASHTOWare/CRL workshop
This training is for contractors, payroll administrators and managers who are interested in learning about prevailing wage and using AASHTOWare to meet government reporting requirements.
Certified Payroll Report (CPR) tool
An interactive e-learning tool is now available to provide contractors with an understanding of the state and federal prevailing wage laws and how to properly complete a certified payroll report.
Month-End Trucking Report (METR) tool
An interactive e-learning tool is now available to provide contractors with an understanding of the state truck rental rates and how to properly complete a month-end trucking report.