Environmental process | Environmental review
Record of Decision (ROD) - NEPA
A Record of Decision (ROD) is the federal environmental decision document, issued by Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), which explains the reasons for the project decision, summarizes any mitigation measures that will be incorporated in the project, and documents any required Section 4(f) approval. (The environmental decision is documented at the state level by a separate document the Adequacy Determination).
After the ROD is issued, any major project change (e.g., using an alternative other than the preferred alternative, substantial mitigation changes) would require a revised ROD (which is subject to review by the same agencies that reviewed the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)).
When to use this subject
For projects that require a federal EIS, the ROD is the final decision document to complete the NEPA process.
How this subject fits into the overall project development process
The ROD must be completed before detailed design, right of way acquisition, and project letting may occur.
Organizations involved
- MnDOT:
- Office of Environmental Stewardship
- Environmental Document Writers
- Project Managers
- Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
- Federal Register