The MnDOT color system reflects a dynamic and diverse department. MnDOT Blue is the primary department color, but only use it in deliberate ways as an accent that elevates it to “special” status.
Always follow accessibility requirements and best practices when developing color combinations and palettes. See color use and WCAG.
Color system
The MnDOT color palette includes the use of both dynamic and neutral colors that complement each other and can be used in any combination as long as the integrity of the brand is not diminished.
Be creative. When pairing colors together, use a combination of dynamic and neutral colors, not all dynamic or all neutral. We’ve defined a core set of colors (shown here) for you to start with. The range of tints and shades are meant to reflect the openness of the system - colors can also be combined to create different hues and values. Don’t feel limited to the colors defined here, but these should be the base colors all color combinations are created from.